November 28, 2014

Captain Planet Young Superhero for Earth Award

On behalf of the Chirping Bird Society, I congratulate the two young founders, Carter and Olivia Ries, of One More Generation, for their recent nomination for the Captain Planet Young Superhero for Earth Award. 
Carter and Olivia will be in excellent company on 5th December in the Intercontinental, Buckhead, Atlanta, sitting at the dignitary table with the other two recipients, Dr. Jane Goodall, CPF Exempler Award, and Dr. Marshall Shepherd, CPF Protector of the Earth Award. Also sitting at the table with the young superheroes will be Larry King, former CNN host of Larry King Live, in addition the children’s maternal grandfather.

Carter and Olivia started their own foundation in 2009 in an effort to bring awareness to the plight of the endangered rhino and other exotic animals. Shortly, thereafter, the kids were horrified at the images coming from the Gulf during the BP spill and begged their father, Jim Ries, to drive them to the Gulf in order to help with the oil-covered marine creatures.

It was then that a volunteering professor from Berkley, CA asked the kids about plastic pollution and explained that the issue of plastic marine debris was an even bigger threat to marine life than the oil spill.

Olivia and Carter, subsequently, educated themselves about the devastating effects of plastic in the ocean and among many other projects, they now teach a Plastic and Recycling Awareness Curriculum both locally and in overseas countries.

The Ries children rightfully deserve Captain Planet’s Young Superhero for Earth Award and the Chirping Bird Society, pronounce them ‘chirping birds’ of the highest order.
Goffinet McLaren                                                                                       

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